Your dreams could actually be telling you something…

Ricardo J Reyna Jr
3 min readJan 17, 2023
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Ever have a crazy dream in the middle of the night, wake up and think, maybe I should write it down?

After recently watching a movie on Hulu called “A Storm is Coming,” I was inspired.

In one instance the main character of the movie had his first dream which consisted of his daughter and his dog and at a distance, he could see a storm brewing miles away from his home, in the dream. All the sudden, his dog broke the chain, and the dog rushed over to bite him on the arm and the main character woke up after that. The rest of the day, he had actual pain in that same arm, from the dream.

Funny thing is, the main character decided to get smart.

He went to the hardware store, bought fencing and a prebuilt doghouse and set it up after work. Stuck the dog in there and the movie went on.

To keep it simple, the main character used the dream as a sign, and he got strategic with his next moves in order to avoid any possibility of confrontation.

Let’s get theoretical here…

(I’m sure you could tell where this is going.)

Have you ever had a dream you couldn’t forget?

Have any of your dreams ever come true and maybe you just haven’t really thought about it? I’ll go as…



Ricardo J Reyna Jr

I'm nobody; telling people they're somebody. #mentalhealth #ptsd #schizophrenia #bipolardisorder #self-development #productivity #life