Ricardo J Reyna Jr
4 min readMar 21, 2023

Recently I worked a REALLY BIG House/Land clean out with my Dad. I’ll be brutally honest with myself because I didn’t expect this post to come together so well.


Let me tell you, it was literally like Deer season with whatever was left in-house/on the property. (You can view some of what we did here: https://youtu.be/_8Cz9bFhbts)

The original bid was to clean out... WHATEVER is left behind.

That means what?

WELL, to the "Scavenger" in the call of duty...


Side note:
My life at the time of showing up to this Job?

Isn’t going so great. (Go figure)

I was a little bummed out about a few things, overthinking

(Ego steps in: "Ha...typical.")

And have really been doing my best to hold on tightly to being


It was barely working.

(Ego again: 🫠)

Got the call from my Dad.

I showed up ready to work and come to find out...

there were a lot of treasures in this place.

Of course, I couldn't take it all. (But I did)

And I ended up learning a lot about the previous owner.

Without a conversation.

Without a name.

Without ever having met the person.

(May the man rest in peace and I send my deepest regards and my condolences to his family.)


Here’s Due North to the Point of this post:

You can tell a lot about a person who lived and left this world completely.

I thought I realized that, previous to writing this blog…

but it’s just making sense to me.

What I also could say is…

Before showing up to that Job..

I’d been thinking a lot about the afterlife, my life purpose,

what I’m here for (not negatively)...

You know, just really digging into some purpose driven questions...

Some others were like...

What will someone remember me by?

Would someone want to remember me?

Have I given them any reason why they should or shouldn't?

Why would I or should I give someone any reason to?

Who am I to want anyone to remember me?

Why is it important to me to leave my mark on (according to what I stigmatively believe)

A temporary life/reality?

And where is the root of me “thinking.. that would be a fair or reasonably wise way to live my life?”

(Innocent Omen Child Voice with a smile that wraps around my head: Overthinking is a Blessing in disguise)

Yeah. Those were my thoughts I had going into the job.

Back to the story:

After diving into the previous owner’s belongings and cleaning out what we were hired for…

the Job started to turn into a place I wanted to go back to.

Lots of interesting and not so interesting finds.

(Very Normal if you ask me)

This job taught me a few things.

What I believe could be treasures especially in regards to where a person is at the point in time of their life (As I’m Literally imagining a kid opening a treasure box and from the camera view; the inside of the treasure box is glowing upon the childs face like GOLD.)

But, someone else could literally only SEE… trash.

So, they toss it.


A few ways I’m thinking about this analogy is…

Would somebody do this with the memory of me when I’m gone?

Would God do this to me while I’m living…

just because I’m a “born sinner?” (Ego: According to my.. what some may call cynically ill-indoctrinated beliefs)

Back to the topic:

The interesting part of the job and this story is that…

As I went through this person belongings, I was able to put a narrative together of who he was, what he believed, what his interests were, who he may have been when he was alive, and tons more!

The photo of books up above this post is only what I kept.

The man owned land, had a nice lot of property, was a farmer, was fascinated with DIY FROM BOOKS such as tire repairs, light and heavy duty repairs to tractors and fixtures around the house and so on.

He was religous, catholic, intellectually inclined, tight with money (from what I heard) and informed on other cultures, architecture, art AND had a nack for saving Time Magazine and the Hanford Sentinel.

Old fashioned but willing to take on new ideas and of course a hoarder from the video if you watched.

Overall, I give this mans life a 10 for having lived and left behind such an amazing walk of life.

This job made me realize how much of a detective like spirit I’ve got.


I was able to donate a HUGE box FULL of books to one of the local library’s near me. (I even tried donating that box to a few churches and they didn’t want them, which was weird to me lol. They weren’t aware of the gems in there that I didn’t keep which were very churchianlike and other things… Oh well)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story, thoughts and blog.

Catch you next time I find something interesting.

Ricardo J Reyna Jr

I'm nobody; telling people they're somebody. #mentalhealth #ptsd #schizophrenia #bipolardisorder #self-development #productivity #life