So you want to be a writer?

Ricardo J Reyna Jr
4 min readJan 10, 2024

Well, creative….. writer eh?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


To me, there’s no right or wrong way to go about it.

It’s until you find or come across the right and wrong stuff you/I like or dislike that really can keep a person fired up! Much like Art….. you could hang a bucket of paint from the ceiling (over a canvas) and let it rip! If that bucket hanging from the ceiling ‘full of paint’ speaks to you, then it’s like you’ve created a path to your “inner creative self,” wouldn’t you say?

Check out the origins of “creativity” straight from the horses mouth:,suffixes%20also%20come%20from%20Latin.

I’m not going to give you a step by step solution to fix all your creativity problems. Instead….. I’ll do something better? I’ll give you a few things that help me think about the different angles I use to “approach” writing with. Sound cool? Great!

The story starts like this, last year I built a personalized learning management system. Okay, back to earth, I know….. Long story short, it’s a library full of categories — and, each category has theories, solutions, ideas, concepts, etc.



Ricardo J Reyna Jr

I'm nobody; telling people they're somebody. #mentalhealth #ptsd #schizophrenia #bipolardisorder #self-development #productivity #life